The Iranian Soprano studied her Bachelor in classical singing with Hanneke de wit in in Prince Claus Conservatoire in Groningen, The Netherlands.
Finished her Master degree in opera with Cum laude with Sara Allegretta in Niccolò Piccinni Conservatorio in Bari, Italy.
Studied Contemporary singing with Alda Caiello with Divertimento Ensemble in Milan and Contemporary composition with Luca Belcastro in Niccolo Piccini Conservatorio in Bari, Italy.
Followed master classes with Malcolm Martineau , Sumi Jo, Michele Crider in Salzburg.
Ardalan Jabbari, Maida Hundeling, Sergio Foresti in Italy.
Judith Van Wanroij, Margreet Honig, Paul Triepels, Nico van der Meel for the baroque repertoire, Elsina Jansen in the Netherlands.
"The Iranian born soprano enchants with the repertoire between opera and poetry."
- Theater der Zeit Magazine